Lisa 早上出門後必須搭公車轉乘捷運 (transfer to the MRT system,註1),下車 (get off the bus )之後過馬路(cross the street,註2),進了捷運站後儲值悠遊卡(top up the Easycard,註3),刷卡進入(pass through the speedgate,註4),下樓到月台(platform)旁等列車,看到新設置的月台安全閘門(APG,Automatic Platform Gate)。
不久車子來了(Here come the train.),聽到廣播要乘客小心月台間隙(mind the platform gap),尖峰時間(rush hour / peak hour)所以車廂裡乘客(passengers)多的不得了,Lisa 好不容易找到位子站立,緊抓著拉環(hold a strap closely),還得要小心會不會有電車癡漢還有扒手(watch out for subway gropers and pickpockets)。結果博愛座(priority seat)上竟然坐了一個年輕男人,嘴巴張的大大的在睡覺(doze off with his mouth wide open),旁邊站了一個老太太。Lisa 很有道德勇氣地叫醒那個男人,請他讓座(ask him to give / yield his seat to the elder lady)。要下車了,她很怕坐過站(miss the stop),她大喊著借過("Excuse me!")一邊很努力地從人群中擠出去(elbow her way through the crowd,註 5),好不容易終於出了車廂,結束了緊張的捷運通勤時間。