1.這組新品特性是黏性佳、不易脫落. 再搭配她的配件. 由於配件比較大更是好安裝. 我們誠摯推薦你使用這套...來取代舊有的A品.


1. The characteristics of this new product are that it is highly adhesive, difficult to drop off, and can be used with its accessories. The accessories are larger in size and it would be easier to install (or assemble). We highly recommend that you consider to replace the old product A with this product.


2.部分鐵製品價格有稍微調整. 請參閱訂單.我們已經把調整過的價格ITEM前面有註明 星 字號..


2. There are minor adjustments to some of the iron ware. Could you please refer to the order for details. We have put an asterisk in front of the adjusted price items (so that you can identify them more easier).


(asterisk = *, i.e. 星 字號)


3.由於查詢過後, 空運費用比快遞費用高出許多, 我們建議走FEDEX價格比較經濟. 請參閱下列價格. 我們預計 4/2 星期三就可以寄出.


3. After our enquires, we found that the air freight would be much more expensive than the courier service charge. We recommend to use FEDEX for a more economic charge. Could you please refer to the delivery charges below. We expect that your order can be shipped on Apr 2, 2008 (Wednesday).


由於下星期我們有連續假期, 所以請盡快確認訂單. 好安排出貨. 謝謝


We will have consecutive holidays next week. We appreciate that you confirm the order at your earliest convenience such that the shipment could be arranged (in time). Thank you.


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    nothing but english

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